Saturday, May 21, 2016

Education in Switzerland

The education system in Switzerland is terribly numerous, because the constitution of Svizzera delegates the authority for the college system in the main to the cantons. The Swiss constitution sets the foundations, namely that primary college is obligatory for each kid and is free publically faculties which the confederation will run or support universities.Education in Switzerland is comparatively high. Switzerland is presently graded nine out of sixty five countries and economies in the OECD/PISA 2012 survey of academic standards amongst fifteen year old.

The State Secretariat for Education,  has primary responsibility for his or her education and in impact run their own education systems. Every education department has its own college calendar, education structure, methods of teaching and curricula.  Bear in mind that this can create moving a toddler from a college in one canton to 1 in another quite troublesome. 

Most students in Switzerland attend native faculties, which area unit of high customary and free. However, foreign families may take into account Associate in Nursing international college to ease their child's transition by continued education in a very acquainted language and syllabus. Your child's age and length of time in Switzerland area unit some factors to contemplate.

Most students in Switzerland attend native faculties, which area unit of high customary and free. However, foreign families may take into account Associate in Nursing international college to ease their child's transition by continued education in a very acquainted language and syllabus. Your child's age and length of time in Switzerland area unit some factors to contemplate.

 Every youngsters do attend preschool for 2 years, in thusme cantons they are not obligated to attend or do so just for one year. Around the age of six, children go to school. Depending on the canton, primary school lasts between four and 6 years. At this level, children area unit not divided into action teams.

Children usually move onto lower secondary level at the age of 11/12 at a middle college.  Lower secondary education usually lasts for 3 years except in communicative  Swiss canton, when it lasts for four years. How well {the kid|the kid} has done at primary level determines that level the child is assigned  within the lower secondary level. Higher education includes technical and vocational faculties, as well as universities, spread across cantons such as urban center, Berne, Fribourg, Geneva, Neuchatel, Lausanne, Lugano, Zurich, Lucerne, and St Gallen.


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  2. Thank you for providing this knowledge I was searching for this information.
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  3. Thank you. Its very informative. I like to have more information how the secondary level is going? I mean what is the focus for curriculum during the secondary level?

  4. I intend to have a joint venture education program with a school in Switzerland. May you suggest one school and its contact number or emel adress so that I can collaborate with them?
