Monday, May 16, 2016

Education in Denmark

The system of education in Denmark is mandatory for kids below the age of fifteen or sixteen, even though it's not mandatory to attend Folkeskole ("public school"). The school years up to the age of fifteen/sixteen area unit called Folkeskole, since any education has to match the extent offered there. About eighty two of young folks take additional education additionally to the present. Government-funded education is usually freed from charge and receptive all. Denmark has a tradition of personal faculties and concerning fifteen.6% of all kids at basic college level attend personal faculties, which area unit supported by a voucher system.

High quality education in the slightest degree levels is important to confirm competitiveness in today’s globalised world.  In Denmark, basic education is compulsory. The general upper school primarily prepares the youngsters for pedagogy, while line of work education and coaching primarily aims to arrange students for a career in trade or business. In Denmark additional than five hundredth of a year cluster enter pedagogy.

Danish higher education includes a long tradition of mixing academic excellence with innovative analysis and teaching. Danish higher education institutions supply a spread of opportunities for international students. The institutions area unit extremely international and supply a giant range of programmes schooled in English. A recent survey with responses from more than three,500 international students finding out in Kingdom of Denmark|Danmark|Scandinavian nation showed that seventy eight of the students would suggest Denmark as a study destination and ninety three think about Denmark to be a secure country to measure in.
The quality of Danish education is assured in some ways. It is mainly regulated and supported by the state, associated all public educational establishments area unit approved and evaluated on an in progress basis. There is a powerful tradition of lifelong learning in Scandinavian nation. Many Danes participate in adult education to enhance their data and skills so as to advance professionally or amendment career. The workforce is therefore perpetually upgraded to meet the wants of the labour market.Students at Danish institutions area unit inspired to play associate active role in their learning method and take responsibility for completing comes severally or in little teams. In addition, they more prefer in discussion and participation which develop their analytical skills.

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