Saturday, May 14, 2016

Education in Hong Kong

Education in Hong Kong is basically modelled on it of the uk, particularly the English system. It is overseen by the Education Bureau and therefore the welfare Department.

Small village Chinese colleges were discovered by the British missionaries once they arrived circa 1843.Anthony Sweeting believes those small village colleges existed in Chek Chue (modern-day city of Stanley), Shek Pai Wan, Heung Kong Tsai (modern-day Aberdeen) and Wong Nai Chong on Hong Kong Island, although proofs square measure no longer accessible.

One of the earliest schools with reliable records was Li Ying faculty established in 1075 in current New Territories. By 1860 Hong Kong had 20 village colleges. Chinese who were rich did not educate their kids in city, instead they sent them to major Chinese cities. Hong Kong's education came from Protestant and Catholic missionaries. Frederick Stewart would become "The education model into the Colonial city establishment. One of the much contested  discussion was whether or not colleges ought to supply Vernacular education, teaching in Chinese. The first faculty to open the floodgate of western practice to East Asia was the city faculty of drugs for Chinese. The London Missionary Society and Sir James Cantlie started the Hong Kong College of drugs  dropped from the name).  Belilios Public School was a girls' secondary faculty supported in 1890 – the primary government faculty in city that provided bilingual system of education in English and Chinese. The Chinese education in a British system failed to begin until the increase in the awareness levels of the Chinese community continueing the 1919 might Fourth Movement and 1934 New Life Movement in the China. A small cluster of South Asian Hong Kongers marched through Central strict additional schooling within the West Germanic language on three June 2007. In the 2013/14 academic year, there are 569 primary colleges, 514 secondary day colleges and sixty one special schools.

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